The six winners of the ICON TX Challenge (a.k.a “ICON’s Got Talent”) have finally been announced.

The ICON TX challenge, which started on June 3rd, has been proven a total success by generating 60M+ transactions in just 24 days. Additionally, 20 meaningful blockchain-based services were built on the ICON Network during this period. One highlight of note: ICON transactions actually exceeded those of Ethereum on June 5th and 6th — by well over half a million transactions on the second day of their record.

Out of 20 participating teams, 6 final winners were selected by a team of judges with representatives from the ICON team, accelerators and crypto funds.

Here are the 6 final winners who will receive the grand prize of 60,000 ICX Prize each:

#1. is a fan community based on blockchain technology, which rewards fans with the ACT token for activities such as commenting, sharing posts and inviting new members to fan communities.

#2. Certiv

As an EduTech web app, Certiv offers authentication of student profiles (experiences, diplomas, etc.) on the ICON Blockchain. All student information is saved and secured, with fully visualized data capabilities.

#3. ICONbet

ICONbet is the first DAO on ICON. Their first game is DAOlette, a Roulette style ICX gambling game. Blockchain technology enables them to maintain their essential values: fairness, transparency and profit redistribution.

#4. Breadcrmb

People can keep track of where they’ve been by using Breadcrmb. It securely uploads user data from your phone to the ICON Blockchain, secured by password-protected keys generated with official ICON SDKs. Users can control their own data without letting any third parties own it.


ICON-DELTA allows users to buy and sell tokens without a third-party exchange, which means they don’t need to pay any additional fees. Every trade is processed on the blockchain which keeps asset safe and transparent.

#6. Logistics X

Logistics X is a warehouse DApp based on blockchain technology, which aims to provide the foundation for a more harmonized ecosystem between the different stakeholders involved in the last-mile process such as: third-party logistics companies, e-commerce retailers, logistics couriers and end recipients.

Congratulations to all 6 winners! It’s certainly heartening to see a number of ICON services and DApps kick off in such a short period of time. Keep ‘em coming!