Voting for Round 13 of the CPS has ended.

And this time, ICON’s node validators voted to approve and fund three projects:

The community rejected two proposals, however:

Though we’ve looked at them once before when voting commenced, let’s take another look at what ICON’s node validators just voted to fund.

Ledger Live Desktop Integration

19,200 bnUSD

2 months

The Techiast team will natively integrate ICON into Ledger Live, the Web 3.0 wallet created by the company that created the Ledger crypto hardware devices.

Ledger Live does lots of nifty things:

Ledger Live lets newcomers and crypto pros follow the market, manage and grow their DeFi portfolio, and support their favorite NFT maker by showing off their collection.”

Techiast identified a need to integrate ICX into Ledger Live, with over 50% of ICX users using the service and another 30% expressing interest in using it… if it supported ICX.

The Techiast team are no newbies to DeFi, having contributed to major ICON-based DeFi platforms Balanced and Optimus.

ICONDAO, the project’s sponsor, wrote:

This proposal to integrate ICON Network natively to Ledger Live is one way of contributing to increased general visibility of ICX and IRC-20 tokens on popular ledger app to all ledger device users, provide icx users with the platforms useful management tools, and many other benefits for both network and icx holders.”

Tracker Infrastructure and Development

23,000 bnUSD

1 month

The Sudoblock team hopes to “substantially complete” the migration of ICON Tracker infrastructure from ASW to Vultr, something that would reduce cloud costs to under USD 5,000 a month, a 60% reduction.

Sudoblock hopes to turn off the remaining services on AWS by mid-June. Which is soon.

Most of the development and migration work for this project was completed during two previous grants.

Fling – DEX Aggregator and Trading Tool

65,000 bnUSD

3 months

The third time WAS the charm for Fling, Mousebelt’s DEX aggregator and trading tool. After being approved but denied funding twice in a row, the project finally got the money to proceed.

Fling is a DeFi tool for veteran traders who want to fine tune their trades at a high volume and price. In particular, the solution is for:

  • Fine tuned trading with in-depth calculations
  • Advanced traders with significant trading volume
  • In the future, it will serve as an alternative frontend for BTP
  • Support traders looking for the best deals across multiple chains

Anyway, it looks like ICON’s DeFi space is going to get a powerful new tool.