As you probably noticed, we’ve been publishing less than usual at The Iconist.
When The Iconist first launched in August 2018, it was fully financed by the ICON Foundation. This spring we became an independent entity as a sub P-Rep, moving The Iconist’s funding to P-Rep ICX rewards only. While independence has its advantages, it also presents some very real financial constraints.
When we first started planning to decentralize from ICON as a P-Rep early this year, ICX was strong and P-Rep rewards were very good across the board. However, as you all know, P-Rep rewards have since stagnated significantly.
Though we pushed through as best we could, the cold, hard reality is that we no longer have the resources to publish every day. The reorientation of the community grant program towards supporting developers — while perfectly understandable and perhaps even necessary for the long-term health of the ICON ecosystem — put the final nail in the coffin of our daily operations.
The Iconist isn’t completely folding, however. We will still publish as frequently as possible. Moreover, should we find the resources required, we will resume daily content production — we are certain that ICX will bounce back in due time, and committed to staying in for the long haul.
Thank you for your support.