Last Friday, we reported that ICONLOOP is building a blockchain-based ship inspection management platform.
We now have more details about that project.
According to ICONLOOP, the platform leverages blockchain technology to allow users to transparently manage and use data regarding shipboard radio permits and inspection results.
This would make the data impossible to forge or tamper with, and could provide a basis for an efficient ship inspection management system.
Interestingly, the project also makes use of NFTs.
In particular, the platform issues the safety inspection data of individual ships as NFTs, enabling ship captains to confirm for themselves the state of their ship, when their inspections need to be renewed and more.
More specifically, the NFTs — built on ICONLOOP blockchain technology — allow captains to confirm the state of their ships through a mobile app by the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives. So no more missing inspection dates or bothersome visits to an office.
Later, these NFTs can also be linked to other services, including used ship sales and insurance services.
The platform is scheduled to be released in the latter half of the year.
The Ministry of Science and ICT and Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) selected the ship inspection management platform as one of its trial blockchain projects of 2021.
The Korea Communications Agency (KCA), Central Radio Management Service and National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives will use the platform built by ICONLOOP.